Vera_integrated on Verilator

Build the vera_integrated project:

cd build/sim-a7-100/gw/projects/vera_integrated
make vera_integrated_sim_sw

Execute the generated Verilator model:


Vmodel opens a window where the VGA output is rendered pixel-by-pixel. You should see the following frame appear:

Frame Generated by vera_integrated Vmodel.

Frame generated by vera_integrated Verilator model.

The terminal window should look like this:

vera_integrated terminal window.

Vera_integrated Verilator model terminal window output.

Vera_integrated on the Arty A7

Hook up the VGA PMOD as described here.

Build the vera_integrated project in an Arty A7 build tree (arty-a7-35 or arty-a7-100):

cd build/arty-a7-35/gw/projects/vera_integrated
make vera_integrated_bit_sw

Download the generated bitstream file to the Arty A7:

make vera_integrated_load

The display should now show a bunch of colored squares. Here's a picture of my setup.

Arty A7 Setup for vera_integrated Test SoC.

Arty A7 Setup for the vera_integrated Test SoC.