LiteDRAM Initialization

When the script generates the LiteDRAM Verilog core (based on the given .yml configuration file), it also generates the core's CSR register accessors for software:

The most relevant files are csr.h and sdram_phy.h. They contain the register definitions and constants used by the memory initialization code. Unfortunately, these accessors are not the same for the FPGA and the simulated LiteDRAM cores. We're going to have to use separate software builds for FPGA and simulation.


Sdram_phy.h also contains a function called init_sequence(). This function gets invoked as part of a more elaborate initialization function called sdram_init(). Sdram_init() is not part of the generated code, however. It's part of sdram.c, which is part of liblitedram, which is part of the base Litex repository, not the LiteDRAM repository:


sdram_init() vs. init_sequence().

It's not clear to me why the liblitedram is not part of the LiteDRAM repository but's not a big deal. I integrated the sdram_init() function from liblitedram in the BoxLambda code base and it's working fine.

To get things to build, I added Litex as a git submodule, to get access to liblitedram. I also tweaked some CPPFLAGS and include paths. The resulting CMakeList is checked in here:

Note: liblitedram expects a standard C environment.

The DDR Test Application

The DDR test program is located here:

The program boots from internal memory. It invokes sdram_init(), performs a memory test, and verifies CPU instruction execution from DDR by relocating a test function from internal memory to DDR and branching to it.

The memory test function used is a slightly modified version of the memtest() function provided by Litex in liblitedram.