
Host OS

Linux or Linux WSL.


Vivado ML Edition V2023.1, Linux version:

Make sure you also install your Arty A7 board files. Digilent has excellent instructions for installing Vivado and Digilent board files:

RISCV Toolchain

RISCV Compiler Toolchain rv32imcb. This is the cross-compiler for building the code that'll run on the Ibex processor. I'm using the 20220210-1 pre-built binaries from lowRISC:

Add the toolchain's bin/ directory to your PATH. E.g.:

export RISCV_TOOLCHAIN=$HOME/lowrisc-toolchain-gcc-rv32imcb-20220210-1

GNU Make

Version 4.2.1:

Please make sure make is in your PATH.


Version 0.27.1:

Add bender to your PATH.

OSS CAD Suite (CoCoTB, iverilog, GTKWave)

Version 2023-06-21.

Installation instructions:


Build RISCV OpenOCD from source:

git clone
cd riscv-openocd
git submodule update --init --recursive
./configure --disable-werror --disable-wextra --enable-remote-bitbang --enable-ftdi --prefix=$HOME/.local
make install

Add the install directory ($HOME/.local in my case) to your PATH before the OSS CAD Suite path. We want to make sure the RISCV OpenOCD version gets picked up by the environment, not the OpenOCD version that comes with OSS CAD Suite.


sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libncursesw5


Version 3.24 or later.

On Ubuntu, follow these instructions:

On other distros, please use your distro's package installer to get version 3.23 or later.

Make sure that the correct CMake version is first in your PATH. The Vivado /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/ script adds an old version of CMake to your path. I override that by re-adding /usr/bin to the front of the PATH after sourcing the Vivado script:

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH

LiteX (optional)

The source code generated by LiteX is checked into the BoxLambda source tree so LiteX itself is not needed to build any of the BoxLambda projects.

A LiteX installation is only needed if for some reason you want to regenerate the LiteDRAM memory controller code (see. /gw/components/litedram/

To install the BoxLambda fork of LiteX, go through the following steps:

cd <boxlamdba src tree>/sub/litex
./ --init --install --user

SDL2 (optional)

SDL2 is needed to run Verilator simulation testcases involving the VERA graphics core.

Also, make sure to set environment variable SDL2_DIR to point to the SDL2 directory containing files SDL2Config.cmake or sdl2-config.cmake. In my case (Ubuntu WSL), I added the following line to my ~/.bashrc:

export SDL2_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/SDL2/

PortAudio (optional)

PortAudio is needed to run Verilator simulation testcases involving the YM2149 PSG sound core.

sudo apt-get install libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Chromaprint (optional)

PortAudio is needed to run Verilator simulation testcases involving the YM2149 PSG sound core.

sudo apt-get install libchromaprint-tools

Python 3 (optional)

sudo apt-get install python-is-python3

Pip (optional)

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

NumPy, SciPy, SoundDevice, and Matplotlib (optional)

These Python modules are needed to run Verilator simulation testcases involving the YM2149 PSG sound core.

pip3 install numpy scipy sounddevice matplotlib

Perl (optional)

Perl is only required if you would like to tinker with the usb_hid_host firmware.

sudo apt-get install perl* on Ubuntu). 

Gforth (optional)

Gforth is only required if you would like to tinker with the usb_hid_device firmware.

sudo apt-get install gforth