USB_HID_Host Hardware Access Layer

Usb_hid_host HAL: sw/components/usb_hid/usb_hid_hal.h

The USB HID HAL is a very thin Hardware Access Layer, mapping directly to the two USB cores' registers.

The usb_hid_host firmware

The usb_hid_host UKP firmware .hex image is checked in, so you don't need to build it from source.

UKP Firmware directory: sub/usb_hid_host/src/usb_hid_host/

After making your changes, run the asukp script in that same directory and a new firmware image will be generated.

The usb_hid_device firmware

The usb_hid_device firmware .hex images for the emulated keyboard and mouse are checked in, so you don't need to build them from source.

The firmware is located here:

After making your changes, just run make in that same directory and a new firmware image will be generated.