The BoxLambda SoC Component

The BoxLambda SoC module itself is defined as a gateware component.

/*The parameterized BoxLambda SoC.*/
module boxlambda_soc #(
    parameter DPRAM_BYTE_ADDR_MASK = 'h1ffff, /*DPRAM size as a mask value. Used both from CMEM and DMEM.*/
    parameter VRAM_SIZE_BYTES = 131072,
    parameter DEBUG_MODULE_ACTIVE = 1,
    parameter DRAM_ACTIVE = 1,
    parameter VERA_ACTIVE = 1,
    parameter SDSPI_ACTIVE = 1,
    parameter YM2149_ACTIVE = 1,
    parameter PICORV_ACTIVE = 1,
    parameter CMEM_FILE = "",
    parameter DMEM_FILE = ""
    ) (
    input  wire       ext_clk_100, //100MHz external clock.
    input  wire       ext_rst_n,   //External reset pin.

`ifdef VERILATOR  
  /*These JTAG signals are not used on FPGA (they are used in simulation).
   *On FPGA, the JTAG signals are driven by a BSCANE2 primitive inside the jtag tap module
    input  wire       tck,
    input  wire       trst_n,
    input  wire       tms,
    input  wire       tdi,
    output wire       tdo,
    output wire       pll_locked_led, //PLL locked indication.
    output wire       init_done_led, //LiteDRAM initialization done indication.
    output wire       init_err_led, //LiteDRAM initialization error indication.
    /*The simulation build doesn't export DDR pins.*/
    output wire [13:0] ddram_a,
    output wire [2:0] ddram_ba,
    output wire ddram_ras_n,
    output wire ddram_cas_n,
    output wire ddram_we_n,
    output wire ddram_cs_n,
    output wire [1:0] ddram_dm,
    inout  wire [15:0] ddram_dq,
    inout  wire [1:0] ddram_dqs_p,
    inout  wire [1:0] ddram_dqs_n,
    output wire ddram_clk_p,
    output wire ddram_clk_n,
    output wire ddram_cke,
    output wire ddram_odt,
    output wire ddram_reset_n,
    // VGA interface
    output wire  [3:0] vga_r,       
    output wire  [3:0] vga_g,       
    output wire  [3:0] vga_b,       
    output wire        vga_hsync,   
    output wire        vga_vsync,   
    // SDSPI interface
    output wire  sdspi_cs_n, 
    output wire  sdspi_sck, 
    output wire  sdspi_mosi,
    input  wire  sdspi_miso, 
    input  wire  sdspi_card_detect_n,
    // Audio interface
    output wire       audio_out,
    output wire       audio_gain,
    output wire       audio_shutdown_n,
    // Audio interface signals only used in simulation
    output wire [15:0] pcm_out,
    output wire acc1_overflow,
    output wire acc2_overflow,  
    // UART and GPIO
    input  wire       uart_rx,
    output wire       uart_tx,
    inout  wire [7:0] gpio0,
    inout  wire [3:0] gpio1

The Gateware Build Structure section describes the three-layer gateware build structure. The diagram below shows how the BoxLambda SoC component fits in that build structure.

BoxLambda SoC Component Build Diagram.

Build Diagram with BoxLambda SoC component and

Different gw/project/ builds reference this boxlambda_soc component. The project builds differ in the way they instantiate the boxlambda_soc module, including or excluding specific subcomponents. Most gw/projects reference the same module but with a different combination of defines in their Bender.yml manifest.

Gw/project/ builds also differ in the software program they run on the SoC. This is specified in the gw/project/'s CMakefile.